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About Kitui West Constituency

Kitui West Constituency is an electoral constituency in Kenya. It is one of eight constituencies in Kitui County. The constituency was established for the 1966 elections. It has four electoral wards namely Mutonguni, Matinyani, Kauwi and Kwamutonga. The constituency number is 70 out of 290 constituencies. It has an area of 726.4 square kilometers and a population of approximately 102,316 people according to 2009 

Kitui West Constituency MP

Hon. Edith Nyenze

Kitui West Constituecy Staff

Kitui West NG-CDF Committee

Kitui West NG-CDF Staff

Kitui West Constituency Facts and Figures



Kitui West Constituency is located in Kitui County, formerly  in the Eastern province of Kenya. Other Constituencies in the County include Kitui Central, Kitui Rural, Kitui South, Kitui East, Mwingi Central, Mwingi North, and Mwingi West. Kitui West Constituency lies about 160km east of Nairobi and 75km east of Machakos. The Constituency covers a total Area of approximately 667.20Kms, with Mutonguni ward covering approx. 158.1 Sq Kms, Kauwi approx. 245 Sq Kms, Matinyani 72.1 Kms, and Kwamutonga/Kithumula Approx. 192 Sq Kms



According to the National Census (2009), Kitui West Constituency has a population of 102, 134. Mutonguni ward (Comprises Kakeani, Kangii, Kaimu, Musengo, Mithini, Kakumuti and Yalatani sub–Locations)has the highest population of 34, 140, followed by Kauwi Ward(Comprises Kauwi, Kiseveni, mutanda, Sangala, Katheka, Kasakini, Kyenge, kisayani, Katutu, Kangungi, Nzalae and Kivani Sub–Locations)with 25, 385, then Matinyani Ward(Comprises Kauma, Maseki, Kyondoni, Kavuvuu, Musosya, Nzakame, Kathuma, Kyambusya, Katheuni, Kalia and Kitumbi Sub–Location) with  24, 081, and finally Kwamutonga/Kithumula (Comprises Syokithumbi, Maselele, Kathivo, Kalindilo, Kithumula, Kasaini, Mithikwani, Mutonga and Kwamulungu Sub–Locations)with 18, 708. On average Kitui West Constituency households consists of 4-6 members (Census, 2009).



Kitui West has a population dispersion as follows: Those who are aged between 0-14years are 46.6%; those aged between 15- 64years are 48.2%; while those aged 65 years and above are 5.2%[1]. The constituency has a gender distribution of 47% Male, and 53% female (Census, 2009)

[1] Age statistics based on County Wide Distribution – National Census, 2009



The climate of the Kitui West Constituency is hot and dry with unreliable rainfall. The climate falls under semi-arid zone. The Constituency experiences high temperatures throughout the year, ranging from 14°C to 34°C. The hot months are between September and October to January and February. The maximum mean annual temperature ranges between 26°C and 34°C whereas the minimum mean annual temperature ranges between 14°Cand 22°C.



Kitui Constituency major roads are paved and tarmacked however, sub county roads are rural roads and not tarmacked. Other roads that need tarmacking include Kauwi, Matinyani, Mutonguni, Kwamutonga/Kithumula wards and sub location roads. Equally, the constituency lacks robust infrastructural development in ICT, however, urbanization in town centers is bringing the much needed growth in housing, hospitality sector development, health centers, water and sewerage in addition to rural electrification.Kitui West constituency has the highest share of residents using improved sanitation at 76%.



The main economic activity in Kitui West Constituency is subsistence farming of crops such as maize, beans, pigeon peas, sorghum, millet, and cassava. Livestock keeping is also popular, especially goats and cattle.Most residents are Christians, with minority Muslim populations in the main urban centres.The constituency falls under Kitui County where the poverty level is 42%. This is quite high compared to the national level of 45%. However, Kitui West is doing much better compared to other Constituencies in the County.



Kitui West Constituency has a total number of 219 schools (188 primary schools and 31 secondary schools) Wrong information. Confirm with DEOs from the two sub-counties. i.e kitui west and Matinyani.The ratio of Teacher to Pupil in primary school is 1:41 and 1:34 in secondary schools. About 73.1% of those attending Schools are between 15-18 years which is higher compared to national 70.1 %. Approximately 64% of people can read and write and this is lower than the estimated 66.4% of the national population. Students from Kitui West have access to over 60 University campuses, Youth Polytechnics, Teacher Training Colleges, Medical Training College, Technical Colleges, and Several Commercial Colleges available within the constituency and the greater Kitui County(KNBS, 2013).



The life expectancy in Kitui West is 67.7 years compared to the National average of 64 years. About 28% of the births are delivered at health facilities (skilled delivery) as compared to the national level of 44%. (KDHS, 2014). Kenya Demographic Household Survey, 2014.



The semi-Arid nature of Kitui Constituency makes adequate water supply a problem. The constituency ranks low in the number of households using piped water. Since the economic activity in the area is mainly agriculture, more concerted efforts should be made towards enhancing water supply. Currently, there are plans to connect piped water while at the same time, drilling more boreholes.