Welcome To Kitui West Constituency

Kitui West Constituency is an electoral constituency in Kenya. It is one of eight constituencies in Kitui County. The constituency was established for the 1966 elections. It has four electoral wards namely Mutonguni, Matinyani, Kauwi and Kwamutonga. The constituency number is 70 out of 290 constituencies. It has an area of 726.4 square kilometers and a population of approximately 102,316 people according to 2009 Census.

Kitui West Constituency Population Geographical Location And Size

Kitui West Constituency is located in Kitui County, formerly  in the Eastern province of Kenya. Other Constituencies in the County include Kitui Central, Kitui Rural, Kitui South, Kitui East, Mwingi Central, Mwingi North, and Mwingi West. Kitui West Constituency lies about 160km east of Nairobi and 75km east of Machakos. The Constituency covers a total Area of approximately 667.20Kms, with Mutonguni ward covering approx. 158.1 Sq Kms, Kauwi approx. 245 Sq Kms, Matinyani 72.1 Kms, and Kwamutonga/Kithumula Approx. 192 Sq Kms

Kitui West Constituency Population

According to the National Census (2009), Kitui West Constituency has a population of 102, 134. Mutonguni ward (Comprises Kakeani, Kangii, Kaimu, Musengo, Mithini, Kakumuti and Yalatani sub–Locations)has the highest population of 34, 140, followed by Kauwi Ward(Comprises Kauwi, Kiseveni, mutanda, Sangala, Katheka, Kasakini, Kyenge, kisayani, Katutu, Kangungi, Nzalae and Kivani Sub–Locations)with 25, 385, then Matinyani Ward(Comprises Kauma, Maseki, Kyondoni, Kavuvuu, Musosya, Nzakame, Kathuma, Kyambusya, Katheuni, Kalia and Kitumbi Sub–Location) with  24, 081, and finally Kwamutonga/Kithumula (Comprises Syokithumbi, Maselele, Kathivo, Kalindilo, Kithumula, Kasaini, Mithikwani, Mutonga and Kwamulungu Sub–Locations)with 18, 708. On average Kitui West Constituency households consists of 4-6 members (Census, 2009).


A just, equitable, and efficiently run constituency, where socio-economic needs of all Kitui West residents are fully realized.


To create an environment where sustainable development goals on access to quality education, clean water, poverty eradication, security, youth and gender economic empowerment are realized through CDF funded projects.


The following are the core values that Kitui West Constituency subscribes to:
1) Transparency and Accountability
2) Professionalism and Integrity
3) Results Oriented
4) Fairness and Justice
5) Inclusiveness
6) Competitive Rewards
The following are the core values that Kitui West Constituency subscribes to:

Hon. Edith Nyenze Message

(Mama Shabik)

The Constituencies Development Fund (CDF) was established in 2003 through the CDF Act of (2003), which was revised in 2013, and further repelled in 2015 to National Government Constituencies Development Fund Act No. 30 of 2015. The NG-CDF Act implemented through Kenya Gazette Supplement No.200 (Acts No.30). The Fund is one of the many development initiatives by the Government to address the Sustainable Development Goals by the year 2030. This coincides with Kenya Vision 2030 three pillars: Social Pillar, Economic Pillar, and Political Pillar. The Kitui West Strategic Development Plan (2023-2027) gives an overview of NG-CDF activities as proposed by Kitui West Constituency residents in public forums.

This Strategic Plan highlights priority projects that are expected to be implemented by Kitui West Constituency NG-CDFC, in conjunction with the County and the National Governments as well as other donor agencies. The Strategic Plan also highlights Wards Action Plans, that are to be executed within various wards in Kitui West Constituency within the period of 2023-2027. Key priority sectors earmarked for improvement by this Strategic Plan include infrastructure (roads, and electricity); Health care facilities (Health centers, dispensaries, and health workers); Water (including piped water, Boreholes, Dams, Reservoirs and Sand dams); Security (Chiefs offices, Aps offices) and Cross-Cutting Issues (Women, Youth & HIV/AIDs). As a result, Kitui West Constituency is geared to experience enhanced developmental growth, that will better the socio-economic lives of the Kitui West Constituency Residents. 

To this end, Kitui West Constituency Strategic Development Plan (2023-2027) has been developed through a consultative process to guide the sub-county development, as well as provide a road map for the next five years to guide the development of Kitui West Constituency. The NG-CDFC is in charge of ensuring the tenets of this Plan are implemented to the later.  The NG-CDFC will also develop a Strategic Plan Implementation Monitoring Team, that will be in charge of monitoring and evaluation of the plan on a quarterly, and annual basis, which will culminate in an overall Mid-Term Evaluation by an external consultant in 2024.

Under the Devolved System of Government, CDF funding still falls under the National Government, however, Kitui County Government will shoulder some of the projects through Kitui County Integrated Development Plan.  The proposed funding for 2022-2027 is estimated to be Ksh. 500,000, 000; which is divided equally between Kauwi, Matinyani, Mutonguni and Kwamutonga/Kithumula wards

Last but not the least, I appeal to all people of Kitui West Constituency, the County Government and National Governments as well as Development Partners to support the implementation of this Strategic Plan.

Thank You and may God bless you all.

The following are the strategic goals and objectives per sector adopted for Kitui West constituency for the period 2022 – 2027.
Education Sector
Water Sector
Agricultural Sector
Infrastructural Sector
Health Sector
Security Sector
Youth Sector

To ensure that there is equal access to education for all residents in Kitui West Constituency

  • To enhance ECDE, primary and secondary school enrolment and retention, by building and rehabilitating 100 school infrastructures by end of 2026
  • To increase number of CDF bursaries for students’ access to secondary school education by 25% by end on 2025
  • To renovate 5 primary schools and 5 secondary schools every year
  • To build social amenities like toilets, water tanks, play grounds in 2 school per ward annually
  • To collaborate with ministry of education in providing teaching curriculum on sex education every quarter in schools
  • To effectively equip constituency polytechnics by 2026

To ensure that there is equal access to clean piped water to all residents in Kitui West Constituency

  • To develop piped water infrastructure and 3 boreholes in every ward so as to increase access to clean water by 25% by end of 2026
  • Construct one Dam in the constituency that will enhance supply of constant water in Kitui west by 2026
  • To construct one water storage, tank each village by 2026

To enhance agricultural production in Kitui West constituency through efficient and effective farming practices

  • To develop water reservoirs in each Ward for irrigation fed agriculture by 2025.
  • To partner with Ministry of Agriculture in providing subsidized quality seeds and fertilizers to farmers semi-annually per ward by end of 2025
  • To increase the number of extension officers and services through partnership with County government, international agricultural based agencies, and local farmers (on a continuous basis)
  • To collaborate with County government in developing water monitoring units by end of 2026

To establish a framework guide for selecting areas for borehole digging and well construction by end of 2026

To increase infrastructural development in Kitui West Constituency by 2021

  • To increase tarmacked, marram paved roads and link roads by 25% coverage (Kms) in each ward by 2026 through collaboration with County Integrated Development Plan Committee
  • To enhance the drainage system by constructing 4 Culverts per ward
  • To construct 2 public toilets and rehabilitate the existing toilets in each ward by 2026

To increase access to health care facilities by all

  • To enhance collaboration with the County Government for the construction of one health dispensary in each ward, while enhancing operational capacity of existing health centers by 2026
  • To increase the number of health care workers in the constituency by 25% by end of 2025
  • Enhance HIV/AIDS awareness/sensitization through advocacy campaigns, VCT, and HBC by increasing numbers of Community Health Workers by 25%
  • Collaborate with ministry of Health and development partners for enhancing availability of affordable drugs by 2025

To increase security and peace for all residents in Kitui West Constituency

  • To invest in street lighting projects, and rural electrification in each ward by 2026
  • To increase number of security training for local residents in each ward through security committees by 2026

To provide skills that will make youth in Kitui West Constituency more productive and engaged in economic development

  • Develop one youth Vocational Training centers per each ward by 2026
  • Establish 20 scholarship for high/top achieving girls and boys in each ward to access high school and university education by 2025
  • Develop business incubation programs for youth in partnership with established entrepreneurship NGOs by 2025
  • Conduct quarterly VCT –HIV/AIDS training and sensitization in schools
  • Develop youth recreational Facilities in each Ward by 2025
  • Develop one youth Drug rehabilitation center in the Constituency
  • Conduct Alcohol and Substance abuse sensitization once a year targeting the youths

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Congratulation…. !!!

Congratulation Hon. Edith Nyenze for a successful election and the Trust Kitui West Constituency People have placed in you.

Most are welcome & God bless.